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Global Expressions: Decorating with Fabrics from Around the World by Lisa Shepard.  You can sew and craft your way around the world by incorporating an international array of specialty fabrics into your own "Global Eclectic" style. Lisa's second book, Global Expressions, explores the textile arts of nine regions, and the cultures that created them. From mola appliqué of Panama to Japanese sashiko quilting to sadza batik of Zimbabwe to Nigerian adire cloth and more, learn how and why the fabrics are made traditionally.


Step-by-step instructions, traceable fabric designs and photos show you how to recreate the fabric techniques, then apply them to 15 home décor projects. Detailed appendix features tips for shopping for and caring for special textiles, fabric sources, craft supply companies and other resources for creative inspiration.


ISBN: 0-87349-290-0, Softcover, 128 pages 2001

Global Expressions

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$15.95Sale Price
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